Thursday, December 18, 2014

Blueberry Hill

I live on a hill
where it's always a thrill!!!
And always TRANQUIL...
Up on blueberry hill!!!!!!

We always eat blueberries,
ANd sometimes some rasberries,
And even some strawBERRIES!!!!
Up on blueberry HILL!

The grass is real green,
No one is MEAN!!!!
Up on bluebery HILL!!!

I have a friend lil,
who has a friend BILL!!!
THat is quite REAL!!!!!

UP ON BLUEBERRYHILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Introduction from Tiny the Min Pin! ------MINPIN DIARY----

My name is Tiny I am a Min Pin I have an adopted brother and sister. They are also mini pins, one is named Jappy he was named Jalapeno! And Pepper she is the peppy little girl, Jalapeno and Pepper my brother and sister. I have to watch these kids they are always getting into trouble. But I like to have my fun too. Their was one time I ran out the door when my people left the door open. And when they yelled, I ignored them, they even had ham in their hand. I did not care, because I knew where the real treats were. I ran, and ran, I made it! My favorite place ever!!! But there is one problem with this place, it's dangerous... I tiny guy like me, could lose their life so quickly on the journey to these treats. Mrs. Sweeties farm has the treats. I'm looking for them but I I have to move quick, I do not want to get stepped on by a cow. I smell the treats, I'm getting close, I know it! Sweetie Pies! I smell them, I know I'm almost there. There is so many cows, and there is another fence. What are those? goats, I hope I can get through these cows, and sneak through the fence! I don't know if goats are dangerous. But I have to get to Mrs. Sweeties, Sweetie Pies!....